The previous year, 2014, didn't end up quite as nicely. The narrator for one of our novellas contacted us to say she wouldn't have the project done in time for the Christmas rush. (Although we've been at this for a couple of years now, we've never actually experienced a Christmas rush for our stuff. Who's to say this wouldn't have been the first time?) Inclement weather had kept her away from her recording studio and the howling storms outside her window would have messed with the sound quality, anyway. She's promised to get the polished and perfect audio version to us by January 15th.
Just in time for the mid-January rush.
The very next day, no kidding, the woman working on the Italian translation for Twisted Games said that life had thrown her a curve ball, too, and our fan base in Italy would have to wait a few weeks longer to get the translated story. This surprised us, mostly because we didn't know we had a fan base in Italy, but we should be able to see the final files by...January 15th.
Also in time for the mid-January rush. We're telling you, we'll be making some sweet coin in another couple of weeks.
And, then, yesterday, inches and inches of snow began hitting our normally-dry little mountain town. Although the picture on the upper left was taken early in the process, enough of the white stuff started falling that the Road Authority People began closing down the surrounding highways and byways. Knowing there was nowhere we could go, we were forced to stay home in our pajamas, pop popcorn, and watch Black Adder (so good) and Fawlty Towers (so good) and Bob's Burgers (also, the good thing), with a Chihuahua on our laps. It turns out, the Chi also likes unsalted, butter-free popcorn.
Now that we think about it, 2014 didn't end so badly after all. We hope your coming year is a good one, too.
Reading: Thinking with Type: A Critical Guide for Designers, blahblahblah by Ellen Lupton. The subtitle doesn't actually include the "blahblahblah" but I've already given you the important part of the thing. The book claims to be "the definitive guide to using typography in visual communication" and the cover designer half of our team is wanting to flex a few new muscles. Renee hasn't done a fantasy cover before and she's eager to rock it.
Watching: Ragnarok (2013 version) because how often do you get to watch a subtitled Norwegian adventure/horror flick that's partially set in the Oslo Viking museum? If you don't like the subtitle thing, this won't be for you; and if you like a dash of gore, sex, or profanity in your flicks, this won't work for you, either. For us, on New Years Eve? Perfect.