Since 2014 is almost in the books, let’s talk. In last month’s note, we mentioned how little money we were making through Babelcube as of 11/01/2014. We’re happy to report that this month’s royalty statement is almost triple the last number we reported. Less happily, we realize we’re still months away from being able to pay for a Tall coffee at the local Starbucks. But our Babelcube riches could very well be about to increase. You see, a new translator has contacted us, eager to do an English-to-Italian take on our novella, Twisted Games.
Clearly, this new translator must not have read last month’s blog.
Since Twisted Games is a paranormal romance laced with frequent interludes of sexiness, we thought it might actually find the audience that has so far avoided After Things Went Bad. Plus, those Italians, they just love love. That’s what Harrell’s very Italian grandfather used to say. Either that, or I’m quoting a Pink song. But one or the other.
So we decided to take Victoria up on her offer. We’ve already vetted the first ten pages of the translation -- we don’t speak or read other languages, sadly, but we know Italians who know Italian -- and the finished product should be available in Sicily before Christmas. If only we could afford to travel there and see for ourselves.
Around the same time, we received a message from a narrator of erotic fiction. This very experienced voice artist wanted to do an audiobook of one of our romances. We hesitated to tell her that this particular story’s title sounded all hot and bother-y but the actual piece was quite tame. Clothing mostly remains on, only a couple of people end up in bed together (and they’re married, which we find sexy but most readers don’t), and it’s not even close to erotica. Turned out, she knew that. Turned out, she also narrates straight romantic fiction under a different name. After listening to her audition, we gave her a thumbs-up, too.
If we don't see you until next month, may your holidays be joyous.
Reading: Tinseltown by William J. Mann. This is fun non-fiction that reads just like fiction. Even better, Mann tells you who he thinks murdered famed film director, William Desmond Taylor...and why.
Watching: Constantine. Okay, yep, the show started a little bumpy. It still hasn’t found its balance, we don’t think, but it’s getting there. And the lead, Matt Ryan, couldn’t be better.