Like you, we've been busy. Not busy as in = actually accomplishing anything. Just...busy. Our son, Matthew, has been busy overseas, having adventures and meeting the amazing MeLisa. Our daughter, Rachel, has been wonderfully busy as well, winning multiple recipe and cooking contests, but she's been sharing her own adventures online so we'll let her speak for herself.
So what have we been doing the last couple of months? Well, we didn't travel overseas and we have yet to win any contests. Granted, we didn't enter any contests but we vaguely hope someone somewhere will award us a prize for something. Something good, though, not like getting our names on a new disease or strain of virus.
As 2013 wrapped, we weren't complete slackers. Check out the picture above and you'll see we have a new audio book available at Audible.com. With one audio book under our belts (Aly's Luck), you think we'd have remembered what a challenge this process can be. Well, one of us did but he somehow convinced the other one that this time it would be better.
This time, we thought it might be fun to hear Something Wicked come to life in spoken form. After we'd rewritten the story, it had picked up a little steam, garnered a few reviews, and we were (and are) plotting and writing its sequel. So we posted the manuscript at Amazon's audio book factory, ACX, looking for a narrator. Since we weren't offering any money up front, the initial response was a bit muted. Which is to say, no one cared.
Then ACX got involved, deciding on its own to offer a very nice stipend to any actor or actress who did the project with us. (Why they pick some titles for a stipend is a mystery to all. We certainly don't know why.) Suddenly, there was a rush of interest in being our narrator. Flooded with audition tapes, we discovered there is some amazing talent out there. After much debate, we selected the gifted LC Kane, an experienced pro with a number of other titles to her credit.
She spent hours and hours on the job, responding to our requests and fixing the bits and pieces we wanted corrected. LC captured our heroine's voice perfectly.
Once they see the sales numbers, the Amazon shareholders may not be delighted but as far as we're concerned? This one is a winner....
Watching: The third season of BBC's Sherlock. We didn't think we'd like Watson's new flame. We were wrong...
Listening: One Republic. Where have you been all of our lives? We're going through one album at a time...
Reading: Nick Hornby's Ten Years in the Tub. They had us at "Nick Hornby"...