That's according to Kiva.org. The good people at Kiva are going to take our tiny $25 donation, add it to enough other donations to total $575, then turn it over to Caja Rural in Peru -- and Ercilio gets his boat.
In time, we'll get our money back -- probably. There's roughly a 99% repayment rate. This is our seventh Kiva loan and, so far, we haven't been stiffed yet. If you're at all interested in doing such a thing, this is a good time to do it. The philanthropic Omidyar Network has offered to donate $100,000 if the Kiva community loans $1.5 million out by June 30th. Weirdly, if you're new to Kiva and this kind of thing, they'll even provide you a free $25 loan to offer someone like Ercilio. We don't know how it works but free + helping others = not a bad thing.
Plus, Ercilio could really used a new boat.
* * *
So how did our eReaderIQ ad work out? We're not glad you asked. The morning of the ad, we checked the Amazon rating for Aly's Luck: #446,249. We should have checked the number the night before, we'd forgotten to do so -- again, we're lousy at the promotion game -- but it seemed vaguely in the ballpark. An hour later, we checked again: #446,943. Yes, we were actually LOSING sales as the ad continued. (We weren't really; it just felt that way. Other books were selling, our title wasn't, and our rating reflected this.) So we did what every right-thinking person would do. We quit checking the numbers.
By the following morning, we were willing to look at the sales ranking again. Our number had improved to #137,954, its highest rating ever but still leaving us with a loss on the cost of the ad. That could change if one of the buyers gives the story a rave, tells his millions of Twitter-ites, and a flood of buyers swarm the Amazon site...but, really, what are the odds?
This isn't just a hypothetical question. We wondered: What are the odds that Aly's Luck will become a smash hit? We went to the toy section at the local store, shook up their Magic 8 Ball and asked. The response: Better not tell you now.
You know what we wanted it to say?