Yeah, yeah, we know. You'd think we'd drop at least a C-note but we're writers and $25 represents more than all of the royalties we've made so far on Bill Shakespeare's Next Big Mistake. Although, like you, we're surprised we've made ANY royalties off of a teleplay, even if it's our favorite teleplay.
Our quarter C-note went to Ayush Tsendsuren (above), a 38 year old tailor. She lives with her husband and kids in the slum district of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia and, working hard, started her own tailoring shop. Recently, her sewing machine broke.
Her only sewing machine. Without this piece of equipment, she's out of business. So she asked for a loan, Kiva stepped up, Credit Mongol stepped up, even we stepped up. Now, Ayush is shopping for "a high quality sewing machine, perhaps a Western brand" and we hope she gets a good one.
Next time we're in Mongolia, we're swinging by her shop.
Side note about nothin': We just saw another of S. King's t.v. projects, Bag of Bones and, from the ratings, a few other people did, too. The show was a little slow, sure, but bolstered by strong performances by all...until the last twenty minutes or so of the piece, when the entire thing went Z-grade. Honestly, we like cheese but this thing was a block of Velveeta and well past its sell date....