Before we go splashing about, there's a few things we'd like to share with you. To start with, we'd like to give away -- as in FREE -- several audio editions of Aly's Luck. The team at ACX contacted us and told us we could have five unabridged copies to give out to anyone who will post a review, mention the audio book on a blog, or somehow "spread the word" (their phraseology).
If you prefer short stories, this is not the tale for you. The A. L. listening experience runs for over nine hours but it goes quickly; our narrator, Alexander McConnell, did a terrific job. Give him a try, you'll see. The bottom line is, if you like free, take a moment to email us at marsneedswriters(at)gmail.com, provide us an email address so we know how to contact you back , and we'll get you a copy. First come, first served.
Secondly, also free, we were recently interviewed by the mysterious An Alleged Author -- and you'll find our conversation right here. If you wander through the blog spot, you'll see that A.A.A. is an interesting woman and she has a fun site. Plus, she likes wine and we like people who like wine. A bucket of questions were asked, we talked mostly about our writing and a little too much about ourselves, so we'll completely understand if you don't read the whole thing.
However, you should know, there will be a quiz later.
Finally, no, we will not be posting photos of ourselves, dressed in skivvies and covered with sprinkler spray. As our neighbors will soon be able to verify, some things aren't meant to be seen in the light of day.
Drinking: 2012 Zinfandel Les Enfants Terribles. A.A. happened to mention wine and here we are. This particular goodness goes pretty darned well with a 4th of July barbeque.
Quote o' the day: "I really don't know how to advise you. Things involved with a computer fill me with a childlike terror. Now, if it were a nice ogre or some such I'd be more in my element." -- Giles, from Buffy the Vampire Slayer