…and August is entering like one, too. Weather-wise, that is. We're not being stalked by actual jungle animals. As we write this today, lightning is flashing and thunder is booming and we’re well aware this post only goes up if the computer doesn’t go down. Yep, we’re old school, meaning we use a computer that’s plugged into a wall socket. So we’re crossing fingers but prepared for the worse.
That’s not a bad life philosophy, either, even if it’s balanced toward the negative side of things. Outside the office window, the sky is black and threatening and gorgeous. We love to look outside when the weather is like this. (Look outside, not be outside.) Of course, it’s probably not the best idea to be working on a plugged-in machine at this particular moment so maybe we’ll finish the rest of the blog with pen and paper before we transfer the words to Weebly.
We’ve had a few busy weeks of late. Visitors have been staying with us for much of the last three weeks, including some pretty time-intensive but wonderful tiny visitors, and we’re exhausted. During this same time, we also approved the Spanish version of After Things Went Bad (sí, es verdad!) and our latest novel-which-must-not-be-named was swept up by Amazon’s algorithms and became a short time, baby best-seller…well, a “best seller” by our standards. Our standards, as you must know by now, are pretty darned low, but none of our other novels have sold 1,000 copies in two weeks so we’ll take it.
We have a few other things to discuss – we have one writing friend who says we simply must start a mailing list but we don’t know if we want the hassle – and we have another writing buddy who says we simply must write a serial in the Charles Dickens’ fashion. She says this serial will make us rich if it includes (a) romance; (b) sex; a virgin, preferably female; and (d) a billionaire, who may or may not be a vampire but it must absolutely NOT feature (f) a virginal female billionaire vampire. Which kind of disappoints us because, now, that’s the story we want to write.
Watching: Fred Ward in Cast a Deadly Spell. F.W. plays Phil Lovecraft, a hard-boiled dick in the 1940s, battling supernatural forces of evil. Julianne Moore is in the movie, too, playing the femme fatale. Our local library has a VHS copy (you remember VHS, don’t you?), and it’s holding for us as we speak. Both of our team loved Fred in Tremors and Remo Williams, while half of us loves everything Lovecraftian. How can this not be fun?
Reading: Ira Levin's The Stepford Wives. The team member who doesn't own every Lovecraft collection ever just happens to think Levin has the goods when it comes to writing. Both of us had read Wives before but it had been several years -- and this looks-like-new Fawcett paperback (pub date 1973) showed up at the library's used book sale for a dime. We're halfway in and, so far, it's better than we remember.