On the left? It appears to be a blanket fitted for individual use and it's marketed, of course, by the name, FOREVER LAZY. We don't know if it's a good product or not but we're weirdly fascinated that it features a butt-flap as one of its selling features.
Now, it’s time to move on. We won’t mention any other lovely reviews we might get (such as this one) ‘cause that’s a little needy and a lot desperate and, besides, who needs reviews?
According to the hard-working and talented Dean Wesley Smith, reviews are for saps. (He says it right here.) He believes writers shouldn't bother promoting their work, they should just “move on to your next story. You can promote after you have fifty or a hundred things up.” We like DWS, we enjoy his writing, but we were startled to discover that we needed many, MANY more literary offerings before we started knocking on doors.
Y'see, it's taken us eighteen months to put up five “things”: two novels, a novella, a teleplay and a short story collection. In the next year, we might manage to add two new efforts to the Hunting Monsters Press inventory. In the year after that, maybe two more. We doubt we'll ever have fifty pieces for sale (much less a hundred)... so we guess we never have to promote anything.
Not marketing our work will free up a significant amount of time, which DWS thinks we should use to write more material – but we're not as fast as him. He pops out a short story a day, while still working on other projects, and we struggle to manage a page a day. Double-spaced. Less if we get distracted or go off-topic....
Hey, did you know the new season of SUPERNATURAL starts tonight?