If it is, this is one helluva deal. I mean, yes, $5 could pretty much buy you everything in the Renée Harrell e-book inventory but all we're offering you is a chunk of literary entertainment. A psychic is giving you a glance into the future.
The thingie on the left is our own crystal ball, picked up for one of Renée's painting projects. Or so she said. Now, if she could only explain the eye of newt and tongue of frog....
We wanted a glance into the future in regards to our upcoming novel, The Atheist’s Daughter. Offered a contract for our manuscript, we turned it down. We had an interested agent, we turned him down. But was self-publishing the right choice for T.A.D.? Cheapskates that we are, we knew exactly what to do.
We went to fiverr.com.
At fiverr.com, everyone in the joint will do pretty much anything you'd like for a five spot.Probably not a good starting point if you need a criminal lawyer but, otherwise, it’s pretty sweet. We were looking for a fortune-teller to tell us if we should find a traditional publisher or release our book ovia Hunting Monsters Press. For five hundred pennies, we thought we’d get, maybe, a glance at a Magic 8 Ball, a quickie “Reply hazy, try again” diagnosis, and never see our cash again.
Instead, we found sparkle271. We tells ya, sparkle271 -- no, we don't think sparkle271 is her real name -- gives value for money.
Her psychic reading took four full pages in explanation. And it was quite a four pages, involving every mystic art we’ve ever heard of and quite a few we’d never imagined. She shared many, many prophecies with us – she even did a reading from a Harry Potter novel -- and a pretty clear vision was presented to us.
So what did we learn? Well, this blog has already run a little long so we’ll share the rest next time. But, for now, know this: Treachery awaits just around the corner....