It's too late to apologize now.
But it IS Indie Takeover Month, the brainchild of Nikki from Wicked Awesome Books, and Candace's Book Blog is an active participant in this madness. We don't really understand their relationship but one site links to the other, hundreds of people wander past, and it's good to catch the attention of hundreds of people.
Quirky.com, by the way, catches the attention of TENS OF THOUSANDS of people every day. Do you think you're special to them? Nope. So it hurts us, it really does, when you throw yourself at them in that way.
Even though our novel, The Atheist's Daughter, doesn't arrive in the world until mid-September, the lovely Candace (mother, author, blogger) wondered if we'd like to play along as I.T.M. comes to a close. We happily agreed and you'll find our Guest Post on the front page of her site. If you care to enter her contest, you might even win an e-copy of T.A.D.
If you take a peek right this second, we'll forget the whole Quirky thing. Just don't let it happen again.