We think Rachel is one of the funniest people we know. Another funny person is Cassandra Parkins, and we’ve followed her after she gave T.A.D. a spot in her Adventures in Trash. She gave a terrific review of the best-selling The Land of Painted Caves and you really ought to give it a gander unless, of course, you’re offended by a discussion of Jondalar the Caveman and his gigantic manhood. Quoting C.P. from her review, "Several episodes are devoted entirely to the enormous enormity of Jondalar’s enormous knob, and how he somehow feels the sex he has is never quite as good as it might be if he could get it all the way in (I’m not making this up, I swear), and how he wonders if one day he will find a woman who can take all of him that’s on offer."
This made us laugh. It didn't make us want to buy The Land of Painted Caves but, for the first time, we considered getting the book at the library.
Then, somehow, we came across an episode of SuperFriends– hmmm, actually, The Challenge of the SuperFriends, the 1978 cartoon series with Superman, Batman, Robin, Wonder Woman, Aquaman and Company…and discovered this joyous passage:
Batman: Quick, Robin, the Bat-cables!
Robin: He’s got us, Batman!
Batman: But not for long, Robin. Use your Bat-lube!
And, then, our heroes spray a disgusting brown goo down on the bad guy. We don't actually know if the goo is Bat-lube -- it looks like something else entirely -- but we found it funny that B & R carried such tools on their hunt for the villainous Solomon Grundy and, presumably, his enormous knob. See for yourselves if you'd like.