If you've found these words on Facebook via a mobile source -- cell phone or tablet -- you've probably noticed that we duplicated last week's post. We didn't do this on purpose. We did this because modern technology hates us.
After we wrote our blog last week, we saw that Facebook wasn't linking-up with our RSS Feed. We still don't know why. Researching, we found a link that said Facebook no longer supported RSS Feeds. Why, Facebook, why? But the link said all is not lost, our blog would still appear if we did...all of these irritating steps,a really complicated bit of pain-in-the-assery. Since complicated pain-in-the-assery type of stuff is tiring and frequently over our heads, we took the easy route. We asked the people hosting this website to share our words with our Facebook friends.
Weebly stepped up and did this for us. Problem solved!
-- or it would have been, if our RSS Feed didn't somehow start working again. Why, RSS Feed, why? The next thing we knew, mobile readers found two links to the Plague House blog. And this wasn't a blog worth reading twice.
Technology deplores us.
Meanwhile, and not off-subject, a couple of days ago, we get an email from an Aly's Luck reader. The reader wants to know (a) if we've written a sequel; and (b) if there's some mysterious reason why many of the paragraphs in Chapter 14 are missing their indentations. Like, was squishing all of the paragraphs together an intentional act, a clever play on the backward practices of the Bugworld itself?
So we reach into our files, find the original manuscript, and discover that all of its paragraphs are indented properly. Things look good. When we bring the novel up on our Kindle, a big chunk of Chapter 14 is kind of wonky and not in a good way. Paragraph after paragraph just run together.
We're forced to tell our reader that we haven't written a sequel (yet, if ever) and that we'll fix the paragraph thing soon. One of us wanted to tell him that the wonky paragraphs were intentional but, since we only have about seven readers in the world, we felt we should be honest, instead. We tell him that technology wants to lure us into a back alley, mug us, stab us, and leave us for dead.
While we were trying to figure out why things had gone weird, we heard from another writer friend we know. She'd heard about our Aly's Luck problems and knew we were playing with the page layout. She's warned us that we may need to redo every manuscript we have on Amazon. The new-ish Kindle Paperwhite has a glitch in it that doesn't like Word documents and things! must! be! changed!
If you're a writer, here's a link that says much of the same.
Technology, you're a real rat bastard, you know that?