This image? We've never read this book but its cover seemed appropriate for today's discussion.
Since we've mentioned our struggle to find reviewers for our YA horror story, we thought we'd offer an update on our efforts. Thanks to a Facebook shout-out from the lovely Steve Haynes, 'Daughter' was given a wonderful review by the even-lovelier Cassandra Parkin. Her review led to another review and then another popped up and, then, yet another -- and, now, the b.c.w. has wandered past this website, to our complete and utter amazement (until now, we've never had a reviewer knock on OUR door) -- and a couple of people even stopped at Amazon to say nice things about the book.
So, for now, we're content. Instead of knocking on new doors, we're going to hope that T.A.D. builds an audience over time and that the audience follows us when we publish its sequel. Which is still a few hundred pages from complete.
So it's back to the word processor for us....