We're posting Ninjelephant -- to the left -- because studies have shown that more people visit websites that feature fun images. Or cute animals or porn. We think a sword-welding elephant is fun. Not everyone agrees but those people are wrong. (The mighty Ninjelephant is © or TM or ® or whatever by its creator, Matthew R. Turner.)
So who's been complaining at us? The Good Cousin said she was going to work and, absorbed by the silliness of Aly's Luck, nearly missed her stop. So it wasour fault she almost clocked in late that day. On the other hand, no harm/no foul, and she really liked the novel.
The next day, a Beloved Reader contacted us to ask where the sequel was to The Atheist's Daughter. She asked because we'd blogged about starting a sequel over two months ago and she is tired of waiting.
Beloved Reader is exactly right, 'cause it's not her fault it takes us six months (and longer) to finish a novel. Knowing we need to pick up our pace and our pages, we looked around to see how it's done. (We really did. Talk about silly.) Luckily, we found a piece in Slate Magazine called "How to Write Faster" by Michael Agger -- here. Read it and you'll find some sage advice that's, truly, not very inspiring. Manage your work space, establish a set writing time, don't doink around with the internet when you should be writing...zzzzzzzzzzz.
Plus there's this tip: Maintain low emotional arousal.
We're not exactly sure what that means but we refer to it frequently. "How's the writing coming?" "Not so good but all is well. I'm maintaining low emotional arousal." "Have you finished the article?" "The middle bit sucks. I'm struggling." "HAVE YOU MAINTAINED LOW EMOTIONAL AROUSAL?"
Agger's article did offer one more piece of wisdom: "S. K. Perry reports that the promise of money has a way of stimulating writerly 'flow.' Amazing!" -- and, personally, we think this S.K. Perry person might be on to something. So, Beloved Reader, give us a hand with our sequel, would you?
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