Today we're supposed to be talking about our audio book adventures and we will soon, promise. Instead, we thought we'd take a quick station break to let you know that Cynthia Vespia recently did a long interview with us and it made its appearance on her website yesterday. We talk about all kinds of things, including our personal slogans, our greatest fears, our favorite deadly sins, and our sexiest turn-ons.
Before you judge us, know that we didn't come up with ANY of these questions. Cyn is a nosy creature and she asked many, many, many personal questions. It was part of an interview swap and when C.V. does an interview, b' God, she's thorough.
When we sent her our interview questions for her part of the swap, we asked maybe six things and two of the questions were jokes. Because we're lousy interviewers, that's why, but Cyn managed to make it an interesting piece, anyway. It will post in June. She didn't tell us her sexiest turn-ons, damn it, but we're hopeful that she'll mention them in the comments box below. No, she won't. You know it and we know it.
Meanwhile, her Demon Hunter: Saga is part of a Goodreads giveaway that ends on 06/01/12. If you'd like a free double novel of what is possibly her most popular work, now is the time to toss in an entry.