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It was one of the main reasons we’ll be publishing THE ATHEIST’S DAUGHTER on our own. We wanted to keep the title we picked. This may have been a mistake.
You see, other than you and you, our fan base consist of us and us. Even the Moms say they're on a fixed income and can’t afford to buy our books. They CAN afford to buy The National Enquirer every week and PEOPLE magazine never escapes the grocery bag but, as they've pointed out, neither of those things are books. To sell copies of our new novel, we need to let the rest of the world know it’s available. To inform the world, we can either (a) pay for advertising or (b) find some book bloggers to review our tome.
We’ve been bumping elbows with the indie publishing crowd and, by and large, they tell us advertising doesn’t pay off. They also tell us that book reviews aren’t much of a help, either, but that’s not been our experience. When WICKED GAMES pleased a reviewer, sales spiked. So we eagerly began courting book bloggers, hoping to duplicate the experience.
Man, oh man, were we in for a bitter surprise. Even though we’ve told bloggers that T.A.D. is a supernatural thriller/paranormal horror story, our title has made an impact. A chunk of reviewers refuse to look at our novel, for fear it’s secretly a Christian-themed story. Other reviewers refuse to read our book, for fear it’s secretly an anti-Christian themed story. No one seems to believe a book carrying this particular title can be anything but religious or anti-religious.
To date, we’ve knocked on twenty-five different book blogging doors. Two people have offered to read the book. We really like those two people and will like them even if they hate our novel. Because, sooner or later, we’re going to finish our next novel and we’ll need a review from someone, somewhere, to help sell the thing.
Our next book’s title? THE PREACHER’S SON.