Mostly. After all, Wicked Games does have a hero who turns into a werewolf. There is some bed action...handcuffs, too, if that's your particular kink...but it doesn't qualify as "porn" according to true aficionados. We know because we've been doing some research.
Nope, not the real cover to WG.We like it, though.
Last week, in almost back-to-back phone calls, we heard from a pair of family members who have been following our writing career. One suggested we write faster ah, why didn't we think of that? and the other suggested we start writing the really racy stuff. "Just check how Open Your Legs for Me is doing," she suggested. "It's only like 16 pages long and it's selling buckets. It's in Kindle's top paid 500!" We checked it out and there really is a short story called OYLFM. Hmmm, okay. But, y'see, we don't really --
Then, she added, "Aphrodite Hunt wrote a sequel, too, kind of, called Thighs Wide Apart. It's still super short and it has one kinda stinky review...but it's still doing so much better than, uh...."
Than our stuff. Yeah, we know.
Or, at least, we know now.
Look, when we wrote Wicked Games, we knew we were writing a romance. It had sex in it (because, in grown-up life, sex is frequently intermixed with romance) and, originally, it had a sex scene with our hero in full werewolf-y lust. Doing lusty things. Concerned about even a hint of bestiality, the editorial staff at Cobblestone Press had us pull the scene. We thought then, and we think now, that they were mistaken. If our hero had turned into a poodle, yeah, we'd have been on the same page, but Dravon turned into a handsome, horny wolf MAN. Still, the folks at CP are the hot-and-heavy professionals so we went along with their judgement.
At the end of the day, WG is a romance-mystery without any true werewolf sex. Human sex, yes! Creature of the night sex, no! Now, if you'll excuse us, we need to get back to our research....