("I thought you said the ground was firm enough for a safe landing, DeHaan! I thought you said --"
"Shut up, you ---! Shut up!" -- RI, Master of Men)
All of which comes to mind today because Dark Horse Books has released Eerie Archives Volume 9 ($49.99 retail or $31.14 here -- and, no, Harrell makes not one penny off of the book) and Volume 9 includes the not-very-good RI, Master of Men. Volumes 1 - 8 do NOT contain RI, Master of Men and should, therefore, be considered more worthy of your immediate purchase.
(By the way, it turns out the ground was not firm enough for a safe landing, sending the rocket ship into the Moon itself. Yes, I said, INTO the Moon.
"You are at the center of our planet...in the center of the "Moon", as you might call it. And we brought you here when your ship broke through our crust" -- RI, Master of Men)
You might wonder how a young and inexperienced writer sold an 8-page script to Warren Publications. The answer is easy enough: Harrell had a mentor. He'd started a correspondence with a kind and talented comic book writer and the writer was good enough to send him sample scripts and, later, to critique his work. (He's since tried to contact the writer, without success, so we're holding off on sharing his name for now.) With the successful writer's guidance, a passable script was written and sold. The marvelous Martin Salvador was given the job of drawing the pages and his artwork almost makes the story worth your time.
So how does Harrell feel about finding the story in print again as part of an expensive hardcover collection? He's delighted. He hadn't read the story in years, discovered it was just as cheesy as he'd remembered, and he can't wait to share it with his kids. Some day, he hopes, he'll share it with his grandchildren, too.
"Hit me, idiot! What difference can it make now? You've doomed us all!" -- RI, Master of Men