The idea came to us while Harrell was flipping through some old magazines. He came across a 30+ year old interview with a writer he enjoys. For some reason not yet clear to anyone, he decided he needed to read that interview. Even though, again, the magazine was 30+ years old.
Even though Harrell had promised to spend the afternoon working on the back yard watering system.
It is FINALLY less cold in Northern AZ.
In the ancient interview, the writer declared that he was ready to sit down and make some serious money. Name Withheld said, "Every asshole who reads under a hairdryer or while sitting with a can of beer in his hand is going to be buying and reading the book that I will be writing, the novel that I'm writing, and that will be top of the bestseller list. I promise you. Number one bestseller in the nation."
He felt he could write his bestseller in a couple of years. This sparked our attention.
(If you happened to have read the interview, once upon a time, feel free to fill in the Name Withheld part. We’re not comfortable doing it here. If you haven't read the interview, just know that Name Withheld is a writer of some repute. He is unquestionably gifted and his stories are award-winning. That’s the good news. That bad news is, NW is reputed to be touchy as hell and happy to initiate a lawsuit at the drop of a hat. We’re hoping not to be sued this year. At least, not until after we’ve written our best-seller and can afford a really good attorney.)
NW clearly thought it wasn’t much of a challenge for someone to climb the bestseller’s list. And NW should know. He’s still in the writing game, he's been there for a long, long time and he knows the ins and outs of the publishing biz. As far as we know, he never actually got around to creating his #1 smash hit novel but we’re sure there’s a good reason why he didn't.
Maybe he was spending too much time in court.
Respecting NW’s expertise, we wondered if someone could decide to just sit down and write a #1 bestselling novel. After all, when it comes to writing popular fiction, how hard can it be? Novice author E. L. James came out of the gate with three huge #1 hits. Financially, it worked out very nicely for her. At one point, she was reported to be making over a million dollars a week from her work.
For had that kind of coin, we decided we should write one, too.
Now, our beautiful daughter had already provided us with the template for writing success – Rachel’s Rules and Regs of Writing a Successful Romance – but we’ve tried that. Yes, we did. While you assumed we were lying around the house, one of us recuperating from surgery and the other one failing to fix the backyard water system, we were also writing.
So far, our new book’s sales have failed to soar into the six and seven digits. Or the five digits. Which makes sense, considering that it came out a heart beat ago, but the audience's immediate response leaves us wondering if we’ve truly written America’s Next Literary Obsession. We doubt it and, consequently, we’re doubting Rachel’s Rules. You may be asking, Did we follow the instructions exactly as given? Good question. We didn’t follow every single little tiny syllable, no, but basically we followed them. Yeah.
Since our newest work doesn't appear destined for the New York Times Bestseller list, we've decided we’ll look for inspiration elsewhere. Three days ago, we found our inspiration at a used book sale. We located our very own hardcover guide to fame and fortune and it only cost us twenty-five cents.
Half of Team Turner believed we should put the book aside while fixing the water system while the other one knew we needed to focus on the 304 pages of brilliant advice in front of us. If you’d like to know which one of us won the argument, here’s a hint: the shrubs in back are turning brown.
Wander this way next week and we’ll reveal all. Or, at least, a little more.