We noticed the author misspelled 'Teresa', something we might do ourselves. We also noticed the author was selling a self-help book she'd written, 300+ pages dedicated to fostering a positive attitude. Having a very positive attitude herself, she was asking over fifty dollars for each copy of her book. Plus shipping. A price we found, perhaps, a tad high.
So we laughed about it but then half of our writing team said to the other half: "Here's something almost as crazy. Somebody wants over forty bucks for a used copy of Jessie Harrell's new novel."
Here's why this is nuts: Jessie's novel, Destined, just came out a few days ago. You can buy a new copy for $9.99, paper, or $3.99 Kindle. It's 300+ pages of love and jealousy and, if you're into young adult/Greek mythology/romance, this is gonna be sweet tea for you.
We know what you're thinking: "Dare we purchase any piece of fiction written by a romance-loving appellate lawyer who enjoys scrapbooking?" and we're telling you, yes, yes, you can. Despite appearances, Jessie Gonxha Harrell is not Satan's spawn. She is good people and a good writer. We wish her well.
Speaking of her book ('cause this made us giggle), the novel received a wonderful review, the reader saying, "Even as I think of it now, I just want to read it again. If you’re looking for the world’s most heartwarming and heart-achingly romantic love story, do yourself a favor and read Destined." Fairly glorious, right? Then the reviewer rated the story, 4.5 stars. Because the most heartwarming, romantic love story in the WORLD is clearly still missing something.
We're thinking, werewolf sex.