We first discovered our fellow writer when a flier at Barnes & Nobel mentioned Ms. Kearns. She was scheduled to speak about romance writing -- and, presumably, read from her own novels -- and we were pleased to discover she lives in our neck o' the woods. We emailed her, asked if she'd like to play in the Blog-O-Rama, and she pleasantly agreed. Then we grew ... suspicious.
No, the woman above isn't Morgan Kearns. We're not exactly sure WHO this woman is but we do wonder why she carries such a big hat. It looks, like, three sizes too large for her head.
"Morgan Kearns" was almost too perfect a name for a romance writer. So we asked if the name was, indeed, her legal moniker. "What do you mean, 'Morgan' isn't my real name?" she said with a laugh. "You're right, Morgan is a very cool name. I like it a lot and, at reader events, I have to remember to answer to it." Aha! So your real name is ...?
"Nice try," she tells us with a wink.
Curiouser and curiouser. Oh, sure, we use a pseudonym but that's because one of us believes that two author names on a book is viewed negatively by some readers -- and, it turns out, a bunch of publishers think the same thing, too. Still, you wouldn't have to be Nancy Drew to discover our true identities. F'rinstance, you could just read this blog. Or go to our rarely-updated Facebook page. Or visit our poorly constructed Author's Page on Amazon. When we interviewed Emily Veinglory, we discovered she used a pen name, too, but she's a Scientific Super Genius who writes hardcore sexy stuff so a pseudonym seems appropriate. MK, on the other hand, is a stay-at-home Mom, publishing her second absolutely-lovely-and-not-too-kinky romance novel, but she still insists on maintaining a secret identity. At first, we were totally confused. Finally, we figured it out.
Clearly, MK's real name must be so unusual, so anti-romance, that she dare not use it in a public forum for fear of upsetting her fans. We're guessing her first name is something strong, possibly from one of the Balkan countries, possibly ... Germentrude. A strong name but not, we fear, one that sings of wine and kisses. Her surname? Something in the Boggmonstro class. Which would explain all. Because, while Germentrude Boggmonstro is a fine and striking name, it is a little earthy for the traditional romance author.
So, mystery solved. Come back in four days and we'll share the rest of our conversation with Germentrude.