According to Media Bistro, Smashbooks has now published 100,000 ebooks (from over 36,000 authors), as of February. Which suggests most authors are more than one-book ponies. Then Media Bistro blew sugar kisses in Smashword’s direction and lost a squinch of its credibility.
Also in February, Good EReader stated that Amazon Kindle’s lending library was now offering over 100,000 “free” selections for their readership. Then Good EReader blew sugar kisses in Amazon’s direction and lost a squinch of its credibility.
Meanwhile, over at Corante.com, Alan Wexelblat talks about Joe Konrath and Konrath’s claim to have pocketed $100,000 in ebook profits in January alone. Wexelblat fails to blow sugar kisses at anyone, keeping his credibility, before adding: “More and more the e-book business is starting to remind me of the stories I've read of gold-rush California. A few people got very rich, a lot of people made some money, and a whole lot of people went broke or got hurt along the way.”
You might wonder, as we did, exactly how people risk going broke, publishing their own ebooks. After all, our out-of-pocket investment per title tends to be in the very low three figures…and less. Of course, the emotional investment is in the millions of dollars. Millions, we tells ya! The good A. Wexelblat wraps his piece without offering much information in this regard. So we did a bit more research for you and found this article from the Los Angeles Times. In their article, Self-publishing for the 1%, we learn that Venture Press is charging $100,000 – which is their starting number, the bottom of the barrel price – to help would-be authors become ebook authors. What do they give you for a writer's hundred grand? Per the Times, Venture Press “provides hands-on custom service: It will set you up with a ghostwriter and designers for the cover and layout.” Which is a pretty sweet deal for Venture Press.
Finally, iLibrarian suggests several sites that are offering free ebooks…and, yep, they claim there’s over 100,000 of such stories available right this very second for you to read.
So why are you still hanging around here?