Jebediah Buzzard was Arkansas’ first late night TV horror host (Fright-Time Funhouse), he's worked as a carny pitchman, and – a couple of years back, in his spare time – he decided to go ahead and make his own horror flick and CD. Operating much like a self-published author, he did them his way.
The movie is called Golgotha, AR and the title leads a person to wonder: Who in their right mind names their movie, Golgotha, AR? J. Buzz, that's who. We assume the name is a tip o' the hat to the 1935 French semi-classic, Golgotha, but maybe not. The French film revolves around the big guy, Jesus Christ. J. Buzzard's flick revolves around zombies. And the zombies are, by and large, the picture's heroes.
Like we said, he has an interesting approach to life.
Having conquered the cinematic universe, Jeb then stomped on the throat of the music business, reeling off his very own musical masterpiece, D.I.Y. or Die!!! by Jebediah Buzzard and the Buzztones. The reason we think D.I.Y. is worthy of some attention is two-fold: We like Buzzard’s dark, growly voice, and we can’t help but be interested in some of the tracks on the CD. We’re not saying that Great Googa Mooga, You Gave Me Leprosy or Swamp Whore will start your toes a’tappin’ but, you have to admit, the CD offers a fresh sound for your next Halloween party. Plus, Katy Perry won’t be doing a cover version of anything on this album. Ever.
There’s a third reason we’ve enjoyed J.B.’s company of late. For $5 and a good laugh, he brought our Frankenstein, P.I. theme song to life, country-style. We love what he did, especially at the end. Take a listen below and see if you like it, too.