The lovely view on the left is a couple of miles from our house and, viewing the landscape up close, you'd swear you were on some other planet. Which is cool.
We can relate. Tough times, tight budget. We could relate even more if she hadn't just told us about the new pair of $200 sandals dangling on her tootsies. But books iz books, shoes iz shoes, we're talking apples to oranges. So we suggested she might spring for the $2.99 electronic edition, ready for download on her Kindle. She wasn't sure she wanted to go a full $2.99 -- she doesn't use her Kindle all that much -- but she was definitely thinking about getting the free sample....
We know T.A.D. isn't our cousin's kind of thing and we're absolutely okay with it. (She's a Camp Jacob kind of girl, anyway, and our story is sadly lacking in overt romance.) But the Kindle is a joyful tool and we want to see her make more use of it. So, in case it's a money thing, we've got a couple of recommendations.
If you don't know about it, Amazon offers a Kindle Daily Deal. Today's deal carves $8.00 off the sticker price of the adventure novel, Eyewall, providing a 99-cent Today!Only! bargain for the "Buzz" Bernard hit. You know it must be good. People are reading it and no one's asking why it's called 'Eyewall'. If you'd like to go a different route, there's eReader IQ, and it is a truly marvelous service, tracking the prices of all ebooks as they decrease in cost. Even more fun? They list the FREE ebooks, too, and there's a stack of 'em every day (right here). There's also Pixel of Ink, providing a link to "free & bargain ebooks" -- and there ain't nothin' wrong with that...except that T.A.D. won't be available at any of those sites.
How to authors make money off of free ebooks? Volume.
Watching: Psych. In preparation for Season 6, which starts tomorrow. As if you didn't know.
Drinking: 2008 Nipozzano Riserva Chianti Rufina, which the swells drink when they're having barbecued meat...which is probably, y'know, never. It's mighty tasty even if you're not having bbq.
Reading: New World Fairy Tales -- for the second time. We don't read things for the second time, not unless the author's name is 'Lovecraft' or 'Leonard'. But this book is just so much fun....