Which made this little birdie suspicious.
If you've spent any time here at all, you know that almost no one anywhere comments on our posts. Even on the days when hundreds of people have stopped by, no one feels compelled to offer their opinion. That's actually pretty okay with us. So when our August, 2011 piece called "If you write electronic books" (here) appeared, we weren't surprised when it passed without comment.
Or so we thought.
Months later, an Australian fan going by the unusual name of led lighting stopped by to say we were a brilliant writer (unusual phraseology, we thought; you think he'd have said we am a brilliant writer) and we thanked him. A couple of days later, cheap bags joined in, congratulating us on a "Great Job, Keep it up"...which is exactly what l.l. had said in closing.
We grew wary.
A few days later, another "fan" with a business name jumped in, praising the post. We deleted the post...and, a few days later, another one...a few days later, another one...and on and on but then we got lazy. We'd delete some messages but on occasion we'd simply delete the e-mail telling us about the message. As a result, the August 2011 blog has 13 comments, our most ever, and we know we've deleted dozens more than that. Here's a few of the thoughts we let slip through:
From Sweden, reklamproduktion thanks us for providing a "Fantastic walk-through", even though we provided no walk-through of anything, while, just yesterday, Acting Classes Melbourne and Katy Mattress were delighted to be educated on the subject we'd addressed. Directorio says we've done a marvelous job, even if s/he can't spell 'marvelous' correctly, while best fat burner pills says, " I have known very important things over here", to which we can only nod and say: You betcha.
And, from the UK, taiko pumps says, "This is awesome post I ever seen on internet. This is rare to find that’s why difficult to understand" -- and who can argue with that?
The thing is, the (now distant and almost forgotten) August 2011 post is all about Harrell being clumsy. Dropping his Kindle and getting a replacement. For free, so thank you, Amazon, but it's not close to educational. Or very informative. And far, far from awesome.
Here's the question that comes to mind: What exactly is going on here?